Tuesday 26 November 2013

Child's Nightmare

I am swinging on my swing set. It is sunny outside and I can see my house - my brother's window first, then the bathroom and then the kitchen downstairs. I love my swing set. It's red like apples and the seat is yellow like my hair. I love to kick my legs and push myself as high as possible. I'm quite scared of heights but I know my mummy is inside the house and she won't let me get hurt.

I am swinging so high and my hair is blowing around. I smile and listen to the thudding sounds my feet make when they hit the ground and kick off again.

I hear something above me. I slow the swing down and look up, squinting at the sky. There is a strange animal sat on top of my swing - it isn't a bird, because I've seen pictures of them in books at school. This animal doesn't have wings so I wonder how it got on top of my swing set. It turns its head and stares at me. It has light brown fur, big eyes and something that looks like a beak. It reminds me of a koala that I saw at the zoo, but that koala looked much more friendly than this animal.

I want to shout for my mum but I am too scared. It won't stop looking at me and I don't like it. I squeeze my eyes shut, imagining that it would disappear. My eyes pop open when I feel myself moving - my swing has wheels! The wheels are on the bottom of the poles and my swing set is suddenly moving really fast. I'm not in my back garden anymore; I'm racing down my street and houses and cars are whizzing past me. I'm not scared until I look behind me and see that the animal has wings now and it is chasing me. It looks really angry and it makes me nervous.

My swing drives itself super fast to try and get away from the animal. It is flying behind me and trying to catch me, making angry squawking sounds. I feel so scared that I almost cry, but I tell myself that I mustn't cry because the animal will know and it will get me if I cry.

It is very close behind me now and I am tired. My swing slows down and I feel so sad because it is going to get me. I wish I could tell my mummy but the animal is going to get me now and I might disappear.

I close my eyes tight again and hope it doesn't hurt me. When I open my eyes, I am safe in my bed and I am so happy that I was only dreaming. Silly dream.

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